Monday, April 27, 2009

Mara's Baby Shower

So I'm not very good at keeping this blog up to date! Things are slowing down a bit & I have a few minutes to get on the internet while Mara's taking a nap.
Mara is almost 6 weeks old already and we are having a blast with her! She continues to be an easy-going, content baby and loves to cuddle (gets this from mommy:) She loves to lay on the floor with daddy & be able to kick & swing her arms. She has long arms & fingers-we're finding a lot of her outfits are too short for her arms. We had to start her on Zantac last week because she has Acid Reflux-which has helped tremendously so far! I took her up to visit the girls at work and weighed her last week(with her clothes & a wet diaper on) and she weighed 8lbs 14oz! Subtract a few ounces-but she is growing & filling out more and more everyday. (when we left the hospital she was 5lbs 9oz-so this is about 3 lbs more!)
On Saturday, April 11th, some girlfriends of mine gave us a baby shower @ our house-we had over 30 people come! WOW-was it a full house! We received a TON of awesome gifts & it was great to see family & friends. Thank you for all the great gifts-we really appreciate them!!

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