Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Catching Up

Mara now weighs 9lbs 1oz and she's about 6 weeks old. I took these pictures this afternoon-her shirt reads "I love mommy and mommy loves me!" Her newborn clothes are now too short for her arms & legs and she's finally fitting into her 0-3month outfits! She has a closet full of clothes--we literally could change her outfit 3 times a day and still have plenty of options left!:) Mommy never gets tired of it though!
We've been having so much fun with our little girl! She's becoming more alert and active everyday. You can tell she hears our voices and follows sounds when you talk to her. Lately she's been going through a growth spurt (or so we think) and has been napping 3-4hours, eats, and is awake for about 1-2 hours and is then ready to sleep again. Quite the life of a newborn!:)

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